Batting Average Calculator
Use our tool to figure out how to calculate your batting average.
| Read: 2 min
Calculating your Batting Average is something that every Little Leaguer tries to do over the duration of the season. Of course, it doesn't stop there, as they try and keep track throughout the rest of their playing career.
To help you figure out yours, we've created a small little Batting Average calculator. All you have to do is enter in the total number of hits you had as well as the total number of at-bats.
What is the Formula to Calculate Batting Average?
The calculation is simple. It is:
Batting Average = Total Number of Hits / Total Number of At-Bats
However, don't be fooled, as a handful of plate appearances don't get registered as an at-bat. For instance, a base-on-balls or walk is not considered an at-bat, and thus isn't part of the batting average calculation.
Check out this Youtube video if you still aren't sure exactly how to run the numbers. In general, batting average is calculated out to the third decimal. So if you were hitting .289, you'd say that you were hitting, "Two Eighty Nine", or, "Just under Three Hundred".
When it comes to career batting average statistics though, websites such as Baseball-Reference like to go to the 4th decimal, just in case there are any ties to break.
Important Batting Average Facts & Numbers
Some players love power. Others, like Wade Boggs, Tony Gwynn and Ichiro Suzuki loved to spray the ball all around the field. They were the premier contact hitters around the league during their respective generations. In short, they weren't the type of guys who a pitcher would throw an immaculate inning against.
Some would also argue the premier Punch and Judy hitters, but that's a whole other argument.
That said, there are a few things you should know about BA and why it is important to the game of baseball. For example, only one person has held a full season batting average over .400 since the mid 1920s, and that person is Red Sox legend, Ted Williams, who hit .406 in 1941.
Ted was one of the shining examples of hitting for both power and average, and, had he played his home gmaes in the wiffleball park that was Yankee Stadium, he'd have probably hit over 1,000 homeruns during his career. That also assumes he didn't miss several years to serving our country in the war.
Top 10 Career Batting Averages by Player
Yes, there are 11 players on this list. That's because Billy Hamilton and Ted Williams are tied for 10th place with a joint average of .344. Aside from that, there are a few legends of the Diamond on here, like Ty Cobb, Tris Speaker and Rogers Hornsby. And, of course, Shoeless Joe Jackson.
Name | Hits | At-Bats | Avg. |
Ty Cobb | 4,189 | 11,440 | .366 |
Oscar Charleston | 1,207 | 3313 | .364 |
Rogers Hornsby | 2,930 | 8,173 | .359 |
Shoeless Joe Jackson | 1,772 | 4,981 | .356 |
Jud Wilson | 1,073 | 3,048 | .352 |
Lefty O'Doul | 1,140 | 3,264 | .350 |
Turkey Stearnes | 1,319 | 3,780 | .349 |
Ed Delahanty | 2,597 | 7,510 | .346 |
Tris Speaker | 3,514 | 10,195 | .345 |
Billy Hamilton | 2,164 | 6,283 | .344 |
Ted Williams | 2,654 | 7,706 | .344 |